Regular participants: 350 EUR
Accompanying person: 150 EUR

*Please remember that all costs associated with transferring the conference fee should be paid by the participant. The organizer should receive a conference fee in full.

Information on scholarships for young researchers

The CEDR authorities and congress organisers have funded 20 scholarships (10 from the organisers and 10 from the CEDR) for young researchers.

Candidates must show that they are under 35 years of age and:
  • on an educational course at a university or similar institution; or
  • in employment (but not in a permanent job) as part of a requirement for training for professional qualification.
Applications for the scholarship can be made until 12 July 2019 by email giving details of compliance with the above conditions and sent to Professor Roland Norer (roland.norer@unilu.ch). Professor Norer will release the list of successful applicants before 22 July 2019. After this date, successful candidates may register without paying the congress fee.