It is a great pleasure to be able to report on the success of the XXX Congress of CEDR held in Poznań from 19-21 September 2019.


Delegates from 20 different countries, totalling some 130 persons, discussed matters of mutual interest relating to Food Sovereignty and Food Security across Europe. Also, given the ongoing work on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, an absorbing Colloquium considered the measures currently proposed and the issues facing those at the heart of the discussions.

Full details of the papers presented can be found by following this link. The conclusions of the Congress will in due course be published and will be presented to the European Institutions for their information.

As always, the spirit of camaraderie was felt in all aspects: in the sessions of the three independent Commissions, in the Colloquium and in the bars and restaurants in the ‘down time’ of the evenings.

Some strong and efficient organisation was behind that success and our special thanks go to:

  • all the Commission Presidents, General Rapporteurs and the leaders of the Colloquium,
  • the Polish Association for Agricultural Law, under their President, Professor Roman Budzinowski, and Professor Przemysław Litwiniuk of the Warsaw University of Rural Management,
  • the Adam Mickiewicz University who provided wonderful facilities which were enjoyed throughout the Congress,
  • Antoni Gulinski and his team from the Poznan Science and Technology Park who did an excellent job in the background to make sure the Congress has proceeded smoothly, and
  • last but not least, the unsung heroes of any multi-lingual event, the highly proficient team of translators and interpreters who worked before and throughout the Congress to be sure the speakers were understood by all participants.

Most of all, though, thanks go to the delegates, without whose support the Congress would not have been as successful or enjoyable.

We now look forward to our next Congress in Cardiff, Wales, in 2021. Full information will be available on the website of CEDR – – as the arrangements are confirmed.


Geoff Whittaker
President of CEDR

Important dates


Kommission 1

Ernährungssouveränität und Ernährungssicherheit: Konzepte und Rechtsrahmen

Themen: Recht auf Nahrung, Selbstversorgungsgrad, Krisenvorsorge und Lagerhaltung von Lebensmitteln, internationale Handelsabkommen, UNO- und FAO-Aspekte (insbesondere Committee on World Food Security), WTO-Recht, Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik und nationales Recht, Intervention und safety net, food waste. food democracy.

Kommission 2

Kulturlandschutz: Agrarraumplanungs- und Grundstückverkehrsrecht

Themen: Sicherung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen, qualitatives und quantitatives Bodenschutzrecht, Raumplanungsrecht, land grabbing, Grund(stück)verkehrsrecht (nationales Recht und die EuGH-Rechtsprechung in Folge Fall Ospelt C-452/01), Ausländergrundverkehr, ökologische Ausgleichsflächen, Erosionsschutz und Wüstenbildung.

Kommission 3

Bedeutende aktuelle Entwicklungen im Recht des ländlichen Raums international, in der EU sowie in den Staaten und Regionen

Themenvorschläge: neue Technologien (insbesondere smart farming), neue Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik, EU-Omnibus-Verordnung, Klimawandel, Jagdrecht, etc.


